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Location Map

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2024-04-17
  • View count:3117
Location Map

By car 
By the north toward south driving, enters Hualian along Fucian road ahead direct acting, transfers the Yongsing road to the Hualian Country Council, after the direct acting 2~3 minutes then arrives our office.
By the south toward northern driving, enters Hualian along Hai-an road ahead direct acting, after arrives the Hualian Harbor Bureau to transfer Mincyuan road, the direct acting 3~4 minutes then arrives our office.

By train 
Take by toward the harbor Hualian passenger transportation ,Mennonite Christian hospital landing in the gate,Walks approximately 2~3 minutes toward the cultural center direction ,crosses the street then to arrive our office.

By airplan 
May travel by the idea from the airport to take a taxi to our office, the airport does not have the public vehicle to be possible to reach our office.

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